Roppongi Art Night 2013

スーフルール ―ささやきの詩想レジスタンス

Souffleurs – Whispering Poetic Resistance

Based on the principle that people convey messages
from mouth to ear, “Les Souffleurs commandis poétiques” was formed by the French actor Olivier Comte in 2001 with his “Declaration of Whispering.” This is an art performance of whispering poetry and philosophy using a long tube called a nightingale. It is an attempt to create a moment when people can think of something important in the constant flow of time, or in a flood of information. It is also an artistic activity to share discovery or inspiration hidden in our everyday life with others. Japan-France joint “Souffleurs” is performed in collaboration with Tokyo Theatre Company KAZE

Sa 19:00–5:00
Various places in Tokyo Midtown