Now showing
The hand-animated film limit was created over lockdown in London. It explores space; inside, geological and emotional. This is the first public showing of the work internationally.
Katie Turnbull
Through sculpture, including time as a medium that is malleable, Katie Turnbull seeks to shift the viewer out of habitual modes of looking, evoking a feeling of suspension from the current moment. She makes objects, installation, non-narrative video and interactive pieces. She works by collecting; objects, footage, sound, and images. A sorting process occurs, then work emerges from the overlapping associations. Recent works deal with splitting; between body and mind, sight and perception, internal spaces made external and human and non-human.
Katie Turnbull’s work has been exhibited at Focal Point Gallery, Coventry Cathedral and Allenshead Contemprary Art in the UK. As well as Galleries UNSW, Firstdraft, Seventh Gallery, Penrith Regional Gallery, Dubbo Regional Art Gallery, MAMA Albury, RMIT Gallery and the Powerhouse Museum in Australia.
She has also exhibited internationally in Iceland, USA and Thailand. She has been commissioned by Experimenta and Penrith Regional Gallery to create new works. She has received a number of Australia Council for the Arts grants and residencies, including ArtStart and the International residency London studio.