
KUMA gallery

KUMA gallery

Everything has its own structure; not only within tangible object but also ideas or processes. “A jigsaw puzzles” attempts to investigate the role of rules and structure in contemporary art and culture. The exhibition features four creators; Sousuke Ueda, Kanata Goto, Nanana Shibuya, and Emika Hoso. Despite the difference of each other’s expertise and medium, these creators all impose a certain kind of “rule” upon their own creation and attempt to develop their own unique “structure” in their work.

Title|A jigsaw puzzles
Cretors|Sousuke Ueda / Kanata Goto / Nana Shibuya / Emika Hosoi
Duration|September 3 (Sat) - 19 (Mon), 2022 *Closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays
Opening Hours|12:00-19:00
* For the latest information on opening hours, etc., please visit the website of each gallery/facility.
9/17 12:00 - 19:00
9/18 12:00 - 19:00
9/19 12:00 - 19:00
206 THE MODULE roppongi, 7-21-24 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo