

The National Art Center, Tokyo

Midzuki Shibata
Make As Like A Pot
Part of the early exhibition viewing program

©Takeshi Eiyama

May 10 (Wed) – 29 (Mon), 10:00-18:00
*Open from 10:00-20:00 on Fridays, Saturdays
*Closed on Tuesdays
May 27 (Sat), 10:00-22:00, May 28 (Sun), 10:00-18:00
*Process performances will be held during the exhibition period, including during Roppongi Art Night. Details will be posted on the website of The National Art Center, Tokyo and on social media channels.
The National Art Center, Tokyo, 3rd Floor Rooftop Garden (next to Art Library)
[Participation fee]
Amidst the growing interest in the relationship between humans and nature in recent years, Midzuki Shibata has consistently sought to capture the great flow of nature in her work. For this exhibition, Shibata will create an installation using soil and water collected from the grounds of the National Art Center, Tokyo, in collaboration with a bamboo grove growing on the rooftop garden of the museum. In this process, Shibata builds a relationship with the materials and the surrounding environment, attempting to present through a work of art the challenge of finding a connection with nature in the midst of the urban environment of Roppongi.


Midzuki Shibata

Born in 1987 in Tokyo, Shibata uses materials with immediacy, such as soil from places she visits and waste products from her daily life, to create vessel-like sculptures that remind us to “imagine and visualize what lies behind and within the object,” and to express through simple performance the notion of “change that can only be seen through repeated process.” She has exhibited in Japan and abroad.