

Main Program

Switch Research Institute
Roppongi Art Night Switch 2024

1. 9/27(Fri) 21:00 - 21:45
2. 9/28(Sat) 16:00 - 16:40
3. 9/29(Sun) 19:00 - 20:00
1. In front of Roppongi Hills North Tower
2. Azabu Fire Station Temporary Government Building
3. Tokyo Midtown Plaza, 1st Floor Canopy Square
Hinokicho Park
[Participation fee]
Written by Switch Research Institute; Screenplay/Direction by Yubie Mitsuse
It has been about 10 years since 2015, when Switch Research Institute took part in this event with the slogan “the lowest threshold for art in the history of Roppongi Art Night.” Switch Research Institute has come back for the fifth time to lower the threshold even further! The threshold is low and the ambition is high in this new production! The mania, or rather, the festival space, will return to sites throughout Roppongi with an “instant theater that begins with the flip of a switch.” Site- specific instant plays that respond to the uniqueness of each space will unfold simultaneously in this is crazy, yet peaceful experiential work. It is you who press the switch and start the story!


Switch Research Institute

Formed by actors Yubie Mitsuse and Masahiro Oishi, this team researches, develops, and performs “3~30 second plays that start at the flip of a switch.” Their extraordinary 24-hour performance at Roppongi Art Night 2015 attracted much attention, and since then they have been invited to various arts and theater festivals around Japan. They have performed at beaches, mountains, public bathhouses, museums, amusement parks, and other locations with local actors and residents, receiving favorable reviews for their unique works. Their slogan: “Doing non-grown-up things in a grown-up way.”