


Noriyuki Fujimura
Breathing clocktower
Open Call Project Selected Work

9/27(Fri) - 9/28(Sat) 16:00 - 23:00
9/29(Sun) 16:00 - 20:00
Roppongi Crossing
[Participation fee]
We normally would not know about those who work and live behind Roppongi city to support its shininess. The artist tries to connect those locals to the audience by biological information of individuals: this time data of their breathing. Tonight, the clocktower normally would not stand out from the shiny city nightscape does speak up: by blinking light, the clocktower seems to be breathing. But this is actually the breath of an individual who lives in this city.


Noriyuki Fujimura

He pursues the human emotion of connection via post industrial, man-modified landscape and ecosystem including animals. The art project “Breathing X” sheds emotional light to the area using data of breathing of its inhabitants. It began in 2022 at Okukuji Art Field of Ibaraki along with the local railway system and later at Nakanojyo Biennale at Gunma.