


Satoru Aoyama + Volunteers of Hiroo Gakuen Junior and Senior High School, Staying up with Chaotic Friends

9/27(Fri) 18:45 - 22:30
9/28(Sat) 11:00 - 22:30
9/29(Sun) 11:00 - 20:00
Azabu Fire Station Temporary Government Building (former site of Azabu Police Station)
[Participation fee]
This is a festival of art, dance, and food, born out of an idea-thon conducted by high school students. It is designed to coincide with Roppongi Art Night, and is produced mainly by high school students (Hiroo Gakuen and Tokyo Metropolitan Roppongi High School)

The Art Section of “ROKU FES” presents the artworks created by contemporary artists in collaboration with elementary, junior high and high school students in Minato Ward.

Contemporary artist Satoru Aoyama, together with volunteer students from Hiroo Gakuen Junior and Senior High School produced this work this summer. The collaborative production began with a workshop where they were asked to map out what they associated with themes such as Minato Ward, their own interests, and monsters that might be around them. The key phrase “monsters around us” was eventually chosen, and with this in mind, each student worked freely, using fabrics. Aoyama then put all of them together on a 2m wide, single piece of cloth to complete the work. Enjoy finding various images of today's monsters as envisioned by junior and senior high school students!

* This work was produced with a grant from the Agency for Cultural Affairs as part of the “Land Utilizing Art Project” being implemented by Mori Building Company and Mori Art Museum.