
ALMOND Roppongi


ROPPONGI Shopping Streets Area

ALMOND Roppongi

Celebrating its 60th anniversary, ALMOND Roppongi has been known as “Roppongi's confectionery cafe” and as “ALMOND for meeting people” in Roppongi, The Roppongi branch of ALMOND, which is well known as “ALMOND's Meeting Place” in Roppongi, will reopen in July 2024, The store reopened in July 2024.
We hope you will enjoy our original Roppongi confections.
Café Restaurant
9/27 10:00 - 22:00
9/28 10:00 - 22:00
9/29 10:00 - 21:00
6-1-26, Roppongi,Minato-ku,Tokyo 106-0032
* For the latest information on opening hours, etc., please visit the website of each shop.