Evolutionary Training (Horikawa Worry Will Vanish), Pipilotti Rist
Gigantic Pear Log, 2014. Courtesy the artist, Luhring Augustine, New York, and Hauser & Wirth
- [Date]
- 4/25 24:00 ~ 4/26 4:56
- [Place]
- Metro Hat, Roppongi Hills
- [Participation fee]
Approximately 40 artists from around the world are participating in the two-month exhibition at the Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art, the Museum of Kyoto, and other locations. Artists have taken time to visit Kyoto prior to the exhibition to conduct research, meet the locals, and to create the actual work on site.
Roppongi Art Night shows a work of Pipilotti Rist, one of the participating artists of Parasophia. A special footage from the internationally distinguished artist’s new installational work will be shown for this rare opportunity.
Pipilotti Rist
Pipilotti Rist entered the field of media art after studying at the Institute of Applied Arts in Vienna and the Basel School of Design and working in stage design for music groups. Especially in her earlier works, Rist uses the clichés imposed on women by our male-dominated society to expose their stereotypes and to affirm the negative aspects of femininity, creating works that provide strong encouragement for women. These works culminated in her video installation Ever is Over All, for which she was awarded the Premio 2000 Prize at the Venice Biennale (the work was shown for the first time in Japan in the Visions of the Body exhibition in 1999 at the National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto). For “Parasophia: Kyoto International Festival of Contemporary Culture 2015,” she shows a special footage from her new installational work.